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We are constantly operating within the construction industry and are inevitably faced with the task of managing risk of physical harm to our employees and visitors to site.  We as a group recognise that Health and Safety risks are a priority in any project we undertake and have implemented a practical and logical, people-focused, company-wide approach to keeping our employees and subcontractors safe and well.

Caldwell Levesque’s Health & Safety Policy replicates the business’ approach to ensuring a zero harm working environment, and the essential belief that all work-related injuries and illnesses are preventable.

Key elements of the policy include:

  • Identifying, assessing and controlling possible risks in the workplace
  • Ensuring our Divisional Managers are competent and held accountable and committed to Health & Safety.
  • Creating a proactive environment, encouraging participation in Health & Safety initiatives at all levels
  • Providing information about risks, instructing, training and supervising employees to ensure safe practices
  • Complying with all current legislations, regulations, codes of practice and Best Practice Guidelines.
  • Striving to eliminate work related injuries and illnesses by actively managing hazards and identifying risks.
  • Creating measureable Health & Safety Key Performance Indicators and accurately reporting & investigating all workplace incidents
  • Supporting training programs around Site Safe and safe working practices.

Our strong focus on managing and the mitigation of safety risks has earned Caldwell Levesque Primary Accreditation for ACC WSMP as we strive to become recognised as a company that is a leader in its field.